
Listed here are the numbers of s-nets found in each of the 230 crystallographic space groups. A space group is not listed if there are no s-nets found for that group. Please use the navigation links at the top and bottom of the page to scroll through the list of space groups. Click on the space group name to see a list of all s-nets in that space group.
Name Number Symmetry Class Systre nets
P1 1 triclinic 0
P-1 2 triclinic 0
P2 3 monoclinic 0
P21 4 monoclinic 0
C2 5 monoclinic 0
Pm 6 monoclinic 0
Pc 7 monoclinic 0
Cm 8 monoclinic 0
Cc 9 monoclinic 0
P2/m 10 monoclinic 0
P21/m 11 monoclinic 0
C2/m 12 monoclinic 0
P2/c 13 monoclinic 0
P21/c 14 monoclinic 0
C2/c 15 monoclinic 894
P222 16 orthorhombic 180
P2221 17 orthorhombic 0
P21212 18 orthorhombic 0
P212121 19 orthorhombic 0
C2221 20 orthorhombic 0
C222 21 orthorhombic 0
F222 22 orthorhombic 0
I222 23 orthorhombic 0
I212121 24 orthorhombic 295
Pmm2 25 orthorhombic 0
Pmc21 26 orthorhombic 0
Pcc2 27 orthorhombic 0
Pma2 28 orthorhombic 0
Pca21 29 orthorhombic 0
Pnc2 30 orthorhombic 0
Pmn21 31 orthorhombic 0
Pba2 32 orthorhombic 0
Pna21 33 orthorhombic 0
Pnn2 34 orthorhombic 0
Cmm2 35 orthorhombic 0
Cmc21 36 orthorhombic 0
Ccc2 37 orthorhombic 0
Amm2 38 orthorhombic 0
Abm2 39 orthorhombic 0
Ama2 40 orthorhombic 0
Aba2 41 orthorhombic 0
Fmm2 42 orthorhombic 0
Fdd2 43 orthorhombic 0
Imm2 44 orthorhombic 0
Iba2 45 orthorhombic 0
Ima2 46 orthorhombic 0
Pmmm 47 orthorhombic 833
Pnnn 48 orthorhombic 8
Pccm 49 orthorhombic 0
Pban 50 orthorhombic 0
Pmma 51 orthorhombic 0
Pnna 52 orthorhombic 0
Pmna 53 orthorhombic 0
Pcca 54 orthorhombic 0
Pbam 55 orthorhombic 0
Pccn 56 orthorhombic 0
Pbcm 57 orthorhombic 0
Pnnm 58 orthorhombic 0
Pmmn 59 orthorhombic 0
Pbcn 60 orthorhombic 0
Pbca 61 orthorhombic 0
Pnma 62 orthorhombic 0
Cmcm 63 orthorhombic 0
Cmca 64 orthorhombic 0
Cmmm 65 orthorhombic 120
Cccm 66 orthorhombic 0
Cmma 67 orthorhombic 872
Ccca 68 orthorhombic 0
Fmmm 69 orthorhombic 515
Fddd 70 orthorhombic 816
Immm 71 orthorhombic 5
Ibam 72 orthorhombic 5
Ibca 73 orthorhombic 32
Imma 74 orthorhombic 687
P4 75 tetragonal 0
P41 76 tetragonal 0
P42 77 tetragonal 0
P43 78 tetragonal 0
I4 79 tetragonal 0
I41 80 tetragonal 0
P-4 81 tetragonal 0
I-4 82 tetragonal 88
P4/m 83 tetragonal 0
P42/m 84 tetragonal 0
P4/n 85 tetragonal 0
P42/n 86 tetragonal 0
I4/m 87 tetragonal 0
I41/a 88 tetragonal 324
P422 89 tetragonal 0
P4212 90 tetragonal 0
P4122 91 tetragonal 0
P41212 92 tetragonal 0
P4222 93 tetragonal 681
P42212 94 tetragonal 0
P4322 95 tetragonal 0
P43212 96 tetragonal 0
I422 97 tetragonal 0
I4122 98 tetragonal 815
P4mm 99 tetragonal 0
P4bm 100 tetragonal 0